Ricardo (rmoreirasvsu)

In this webpage I will submit assignments for CIS 255.

Prog00 - Template - Hosting, Linking and File Management

My work:

  1. GitHub Page: https://rmoreirasvsu.github.io/pages/
  2. CodePen: https://codepen.io/rmoreirasvsu/
  3. MDrive: https://webp.svsu.edu/~rmoreira/
  4. 000Webhost: https://rmoreira.000webhostapp.com/

Prog01 - Template - Semantic HTML

My work:

  1. I have not completed this assignment :(

Prog02 - Template - GitHub

My work:

  1. Downloaded NetBeans
  2. Cloned my repo.
  3. Linked to new repo.
  4. Made some comments.
  5. Cloned Project13 on CSIS server.


My work:

  1. https://rmoreira.000webhostapp.com/prog03.html

Comments and background information:

  • Also made it so input fields cannot go into negative numbers, as you cannot have negative scores in soccer.
  • I chose 000webhost because I have never used it before.


My work:

  1. https://rmoreira.000webhostapp.com/Prog4.html


My work:

  1. https://rmoreira.000webhostapp.com/Prog05.html


My work:

  1. https://rmoreira.000webhostapp.com/Prog06.html


My work:

  1. Angulartut
  2. Angulartut2
  3. Angulartut3
  4. Angulartut4